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All City Garage Sale 

The Annual All City Garage Sale will take place August 16th - 18th 2024 throughout Kalama. There is no charge to participate and there will be no paper copies printed. Simply sign up below and the Chamber will display your address on the list of participating sales on our website! The deadline to sign up is 08/12/24 and the list will be displayed here on our website by end of day Thursday August 15th. If you have any questions or wish to edit your sale posting please email us at: or contact Taryn @ 360.430.7798.


Vendor spaces at Haydu are not taking place this year - insurance and space rental was too costly last year! 

All City Garage Sale List Sign Up
Days your sale will take place:

Thank you for participating. The list of garage sales will be posted on this website by end of day on August 15th, 2024. 

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